125 E Sunnyoaks Ave, #214, Campbell CA 95008
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"Thoughts are things."
Dear Mother and Father God,
Please bless our efforts in this renewed religion.
Let this New Spirit of enlightenment rinse out all guilt and fear.
We come to You God, knowing that You Know our name.
Knowing that You know our hearts, minds and souls.
We want to learn our lessons so that we can make the journey of life easier.
So that we can perfect faster than we have throughout all our lives.
From this moment on we will love ourselves and others;
And let Your Supreme Love light the lamp of our souls.
We will be embued with love and judgment of will to get us on track
And keep us on our perfection scheme.
We will truly be a light in a lonely desert that enlightens many. AMEN
Arem, Shem, Beth, Sedal, Sacravalian, Ahad.
Blessed be this Queen on high that is sacred to all who come to Her. AMEN
Dear Father and Mother God,
We are all gathered here to love You and to receive Your blessing and healing energies. We ask that You send Your everlasting energy to heal all who are in need today, using the healing force that You - as our omnipotent parents - can provide. Send us all the power and force of Your energy and love to heal us all - to sustain us all in our everyday lives, so that we can continue to experience for You. Help us to remain examples of Your love, and guide us back to You if we ever go astray from our chosen paths.
Loving Mother and Father,
Help all of our guides to channel Your energy and the energy of the Archetypes that surround this gathering in Your name - so that the energy sent is received fully and completely in each and every one of us. For those loved ones that are unable to gather with us today, we also ask that You send them Your healing energy and love - so that any malady, whether it be mental or physical, be completely healed and eliminated.
We ask for this in Your name, Mother and Father - the name of God.
Arem, Shem, Beth, Sedal, Sacravalian, Ahad.
Blessed be this Queen on high that is sacred to all who come to her. AMEN.
Dear Father and Mother,
I ask that the White Light of the Holy Spirit surrounds and protects me this day, and every day.
I ask that it cleanse and purify my soul.
I release, right now, any negativity, as so much dark smoke, to be absorbed by the White Light, causing no one harm.
Let nothing but love and positive energy pass into or out of this protective bubble.
Dear Father and Mother God,
Let Your Infusion and Grace encompass each and every one of us.
Let it last throughout our lives,
Until we are joined with You and each other, on the Other Side.
Let us not feel alone or sick.
We ask for the Holy Spirit's Healing Grace
To enter every cell of this vehicle we call the body.
Let us link our souls like a giant shaft of Light that will appear
For everyone in need.
May the Word, the Spirit, and the Grace be with you.
In the name of the Holy Spirit. AMEN.
Arem, Shem, Beth, Sedal, Sacravalian, Ahad.
Blessed be this Queen on high that is sacred to us all who come to Her. AMEN