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"The core of Sylvia's most advanced teachings and discourses on the meaning of it all"


The Study Group Program is based upon Journey of the Soul, a set of 8 volumes, published by the Society of Novus Spiritus. These books provide detailed information gathered through Sylvia's mediumship, her seminars, and her spiritual sermons and are an essential element in your Home Study discussions.


The Novitiate Exam is a Study Guide, provided in each of the 8 books, which enables you to test yourself on the knowledge you have retained after reading Journey of the Soul.


In addition to reading these volumes, as well as all of Sylvia's other books, available for purchase at, a list of Recommended Reading is provided below.


Each month, you will also receive 2 audio tapes of her sermons; brilliant, moving and loving testaments to God.

Journey of the Soul Series
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The Journey of the Soul series is a set of 8 books that form the core of Sylvia's most advanced teachings and discourses on the meaning of it all; detailed knowledge from over 20 years of research with Sylvia, Francine and Raheim (Sylvia's spirit guides). 

Topic 1 - God

Topic 2 - Creation

Topic 3 - Tools For Protection

Topic 4 - Soul's Perfection

Topic 5 - Good And Evil

Topic 6 - The Great Cataclysm

Topic 7 - Mystical Traveler

Topic 8 - Novus Spiritus


 You can purchase the Journey of The Soul books individually or in sets. Please call the office for more details or to purchase. (408) 379-7070


NOTE: These books should not to be confused with the 3-book set of the same title available in stores. This 8 volume series is exclusive to the Study Group Program as they contain information taken directly from research with Francine and Raheim, as well as lectures by Sylvia Browne.




Each Journey of the Soul book contains a "Novitiate Exam." This is a study guide to help show you what knowledge you have retained. 


Once you have completed and sent in all 8 tests, you are eligible to apply for the Novitiate Degree.



In addition to reading Sylvia's best-selling books, which can be found at and our Journey of the Soul series, the following are other titles recommended by Sylvia, which can be ordered Look for the links below.

Bloodline of the Holy Grail

by Laurence Gardner

Subtitle: The Hidden Lineage of Jesus Revealed.


Did Jesus marry and have children? If so, what happened to his family? Are descendants of his still alive today? What religion did Jesus follow?


Back in 1983, the world-wide best-seller, Holy Blood, Holy Grail, made a number of controversial speculations about a "Messianic lineage." Yet the authors could offer no real proof since their access to relevant source material was restricted. At last the truth can be told!


This extraordinary and controversial book, packed with intrigue, begins where others have ended. Sir Laurence Gardner has been granted privileged access to European Sovereign and Nobel archives, along with favored insight into chivalric and Church repositories. He proves for the first time that there is a royal heritage of the Messiah in the West, and documents the systematic and continuing suppression of records tracing the descendent of the sacred lineage by regimes down the centuries.

The Tomb of God

by Richard Andrews & Paul Schellenberger

Richard Andrews & Paul Schellenberger decipher ancient coded scrolls to discern that Jesus was buried in Southern France. In several chapters of detailed detective work, the authors, an archeologist and an engineer, demonstrate with geometric logic that the real treasure of Rennes-le-Chateau (or that general area) is not Templar gold, or some vague ancient Holy Place, but the tomb of Jesus, its existence and location kept secret by some few initiates over the centuries because denial of the physical resurrection and assumption of Jesus was grounds for the most excrutiating punishments of the Catholic Inquisition.


The closing chapters explore the question of how the body of Jesus came to be buried in a secret location in what was then Gaul and who was responsible for keeping the secret all these centuries, in encoded paintings, parchments, gravestones, and landmarks.

The Dark Side of Christian History

by Helen Ellerbe

Gives a glimpse of how the church has changed Jesus' teachings for political gain. Over a period of nearly two millennia, the Christian Church has oppressed and brutalized millions of individuals. Meticulously researched and courageously written, this book examines the Church's devastating impact upon human freedom, dignity and spirituality. Written for the lay reader, this controversial book is especially relevant today as the religious right is attempting to assert greater influence in American politics and society.

Holy Blood, Holy Grail

by M. Baigent, et al.

Gives a glimpse of how the church has changed Jesus' teachings for political gain. Over a period of nearly two millennia, the Christian Church has oppressed and brutalized millions of individuals. Meticulously researched and courageously written, this book examines the Church's devastating impact upon human freedom, dignity and spirituality. Written for the lay reader, this controversial book is especially relevant today as the religious right is attempting to assert greater influence in American politics and society.

Idioms in the Bible Explained

by G. Lamsa

Lamsa's primary language is Aramaic, the same as spoken by Jesus. Lamsa shows you how the words of Jesus were corrupted by centuries of bad translations. You should also get the Lamsa translation of the Bible. It is again taken from the original language, by a native speaker, and then you will see what a wonderful book of hope emerges, without all the hell-fire and damnation that appears in current Bibles.

The Gnostic Gospels

by E. Pagels

Gnosticism's Christian form grew to prominence in the 2nd century A.D. Ultimately denounced as heretical by the early church, Gnosticism proposed a revealed knowledge of God ("gnosis" meaning "knowledge" in Greek), held as a secret tradition of the apostles. In The Gnostic Gospels, author Elaine Pagels suggests that Christianity could have developed quite differently if Gnostic texts had become part of the Christian canon.

The Other Bible

edited by W. Barnstone

Gathered here for the first time in one comprehensive volume are excerpted ancient holy texts from Judeo-Christian traditions that were excluded from the official canon of the Old and New Testaments. The Other Bible is a unique sourcebook of essential selections from Jewish Pseudepigrapha, early Kabbalah, Haggadah, Midrash, Christian Apocrypha, and Gnostic scriptures.


The Other Bible provides a rare opportunity to discover the poetic and narrative riches of this long-suppressed literature. Experience firsthand its visionary discourses on the nature of God, humanity, the spiritual life, the world around us and infinite worlds beyond this one, including a collection of many ancient sources that never made it into the Christian Bible. Lots of stories about Jesus and his family.

The Nag Hammadi Library

edited by J. Robinson

The Nag Hammadi Library was discovered in 1945, buried in a large stone jar in the desert outside the modern Egyptian city of Nag Hammadi. It is a collection of religious and philosophic texts gathered and translated into Coptic by fourth-century Gnostic Christians and translated into English by dozens of highly reputable experts. First published in 1978, this is the revised 1988 edition supported by illuminating introductions to each document. The library itself is a diverse collection of texts that the Gnostics considered to be related to their heretical philosophy in some way. There are 45 separate titles, including a Coptic translation from the Greek of two well-known works: the Gospel of Thomas, attributed to Jesus' brother Judas, and Plato's Republic.

The Modern New Testament : Translated from the Original Aramaic Sources

by G. Lamsa

You can read the true words of Jesus as he spoke them, without centuries of mistranslation and politics coming along for the ride. This is a reprint of the Lamsa New Testament in a very handy to carry and hold compact size, with black flexible binding with the Aramaic sacred symbol impressed in gilt.

The Davinci Code

by Dan Brown

Written as a suspense novel, the main character uncovers the mysteries of secret codes and secret societies. This popular book reignited many theological and philosophical discussions originally launched with the release of the epic Holy Blood, Holy Grail.

Woman with the Alabastar Jar

by Margaret Starbird

Margaret Starbird, a Roman Catholic Scholar was shocked, yet intrigued by the concept that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalen were married and had a child survived and carried on the family lineage. Although she initially set out to disprove this idea, her research evolved into a quest for the forgotten feminine.

Beyond Belief: The Gospel of Thomas

by Elaine Pagels

An examination of secret Gospel of Thomas, an early Christian text, by Scholar Elaine Pagels. This writing, once deemed heretical, continues the conversation about assessment of faith and religious orthodoxy vs diversity of interpretation.





Sylvia Browne Group

Society of Novus Spiritus

125 E Sunnyoaks Avenue, Suite 214

Campbell CA 95008


(408) 379-7070 

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