125 E Sunnyoaks Ave, #214, Campbell CA 95008
This login is for Study Group Leaders only. See STUDY GROUP section for more info.

Available to all who wish to share in the spiritual teachings of Founder, Sylvia Browne
Thank you for your interest and support. There are 3 ways of participating in a Society of Novus Spiritus Study Group:
Join An Existing Group
Contact Novus via the form (see link below) to locate a Study Group in your area.
Someone will get back with you with a list of groups accepting new members in your state.
We will also forward your information to the coordinator, so you can get more details about their meetings.
You may also call our office at (408) 379-7070 to locate a group near you.
Start A Study Group With Other People
See information below about beginning the process of starting your own study group.
The application and all its forms must be completed and then either mailed to the address on the forms or emailed to
Once approved, you will be notified via email that you are able to login as a member and gain access to the payment page so as to sign up for your recurring monthly charter fee of $25.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our office at (408) 379-7070 or send an email to
Start Studying On Your Own
The process is just like starting a group with other people. See information below to read about how to begin the process of starting your own study group.
The application and all corresponding forms must be completed and mailed to the address on the forms, along with your first month’s charter fee of $25 US Funds.
If you have any further questions, please feel free to call our office at (408) 379-7070.
If Sylvia's philosophy appeals to you and you have decided to start a Study Group, please follow these steps:
Whether you are starting a group with others or studying on your own, the payment process is the same.
Each month, once your Charter Fee of $25 is received, you will be sent your 2 audio files of Spiritual Message presented at Novus Spiritus Church Services.
Please make a reminder to yourself or set up automated payments to send in your Charter Fees at the beginning of each month.
Monthly Recordings
Please indicate on the Registration Form if you would like to receive your audio files as Audio Compact Discs (CDs) or as MP3 downloads. As per your preference, these files will be mailed as CDs or emailed as a MP3 downloads.
Are You Open To Accepting New Members?
The Society of Novus Spiritus is an International organization and as such, we have Study Groups around the world. Very often we get inquiries as to the locations of these study groups because others are interested in finding them near where they live.
If your Study Group is willing to accept new members via the inquiries we receive, there is a way for your to indicate that on the Registration Form.
Print Out 2 Sets of All Forms
Keep one set of forms for your records and mail the others to us at the mailing address below.
How To Make Your Monthly Payments
If paying by check or money order, please make it for $25
payable to:
Society of Novus Spiritus
Mail it to:
Society of Novus Spiritus
Attn: Study Groups
125 E Sunnyoaks Ave, Suite 214,
Campbell CA 95008.
If paying by Credit Card, please include information requested on the form including; Name on card, Credit Card #, Exp. Date and the required CID#
Please note: The CID# on Discover, Visa and Mastercard is on the back of the card. On American Express, it is the 4-digit code on the front of the card.
We will bill $25 to your CC account.
Since we do not send out monthly invoices, if you would like to set up Automatic Credit Card payments, please indicate by clicking "Yes" in the appropriate area on the Form.
Please follow this link to make your payment via our Online Portal:
Once we have received your Registration Form, signed agreements and fee, you will be assigned a Study Group Liaison and receive your Study Group Start Pack.
A Study Group Liaison helps answer questions that arise from studying the Novus Spiritus philosophy. Your Liaison can call or email you to discuss your group's progress and concerns, and provide a connection back to Novus Spiritus Headquarters.
Study Group Start Pack
As complimentary gifts to the Study Group Coordinator, the Study Group Start Pack includes the following:
Audio recording of a lecture by Sylvia Browne.
Novus Spiritus Questions and Answers (first volume)
Gives answers to over 350 questions:
The Meaning of Life,
God, Angels,
The Other Side,
Plus Many More Topics
Journey of the Soul Topic 1: God (first volume)
Journey of the Soul is a set of 8 books published by the Society of Novus Spiritus
This set of books form the core of Sylvia's most advanced teachings.
Each contain detailed knowledge from over 20 years of research with Francine and Sylvia's discourses on the meaning of it all.
Each Journey of the Soul book comes with a study guide (Novitiate Exam) to help show what knowledge you have retained.
Purchasing Your Study Group Materials
Each Study Group participant, including the Study Group Coordinator, is expected to purchase their own required Study Group Materials. Only Journey of the Soul Topics Topic 1: God is provided free of charge in the Start Pack for the Study Group Coordinator.
If you wish to purchase a few extra copies of these books for new group members, those people are to then reimburse you.
All of Sylvia Browne's material is copyrighted. Please do not duplicate. Purchasing these materials helps support the Society of Novus Spiritus.
The Study Group Materials may be purchased and gone through in any order.
Active Study Group Leader Discount
As active Study Group Leaders, you will receive a 20% discount on each Journey of the Soul book purchased through Novus Spiritus.
To order additional products you may use the product order form included in the Start Pack and your monthly mailings, call or email the office or you can purchase in our Online Store.